Aizkaru sideris furgonsIVECO
Daily 70C21HA8/P Planenaufbau 610x248x250cm LBW
Aizkaru sideris furgons
Daily 70C21HA8/P Planenaufbau 610x248x250cm LBW
Atrašanās vieta

Rādīt attēlus
Rādīt karti
- Pārdevēja atrašanās vieta:
- Triftstraße 29, 38723 Seesen, Vācija
- Nobraukums:
- 5 km
- Jauda:
- 149 kW (202,58 PS)
- Degvielas veids:
- dīzeļdegviela
- Pārnesumu veids:
- automātiskais
- Kopējais svars:
- 7 200 kg
- Iekraušanas vietas garums:
- 6 100 mm
- Iekraušanas vietas platums:
- 2 480 mm
- Iekraušanas vietas augstums:
- 2 500 mm
- Emisijas klase:
- euro6
- Krāsa:
- balta
- Vietu skaits:
- 3
- Aprīkojums:
- ABS, astes pacēlājs, centrālā bloķēšana, elektroniskā stabilitātes programma (ESP), gaisa kondicionēšana, navigācijas sistēma, stāvvietas sildītājs
- Ieraksta ID:
- A568-02-49
- Pēdējoreiz atjaunots:
- 14.2.2460721
New vehicle IVECO DAILY 70C21HA8/P 3.0:
* GVW 7,200 kg.
* 8-speed automatic
* Factory-fitted air suspension
* Central locking with FFB
* Radio with Bluetooth
* Electric windows
* Electric adjustable exterior mirrors
* EC control device
* LED headlights/daytime running lights
* Comfortable seat for driver, hydraulically suspended
* Sat nav
* Cruise control
* Auxiliary heating
* Roof sleeping cabin
* Payload 3,500 kg.
* Box dimensions L x W x H = 610 x 248 x 250 cm.
* Frame made of aluminum profiles, screwed together
* Floor made of multiplex board
* 12 lashing eyes embedded in the frame
* Ratchets
* Sliding tarpaulin on both sides
* Movable center stanchions
* Side underrun protection, foldable
* Fender with mud flaps
* Side marker and side limit lights (LED)
* DHollandia tail lift with 1,000 kg load capacity
* Foldable aluminum protective roof
* Trailer hitch with electrical kit
Tarpaulin structure with sliding tarpaulin without side walls. The center stanchions are movable, which results in the optimal loading width.
Simple and quick assembly, as well as ideal load securing thanks to lashing eyes included as standard.
We also offer load securing:
* Tensioning and lashing straps
* Locking beams
* High visibility vests
* Transport boxes
* Edge protection
* Storage bags
* Wheel stops
* etc.
Financing and leasing possible
We manufacture bodies of any size and type on any chassis.
Tarpaulin, GRP sandwich, aluminum.
Visit us at:
Bodys - Complete vehicles - Trailers - Advice - Financing
Subject to errors and prior sale, no liability for printing and input errors.
Sludinājums tika tulkots automātiski, tāpēc tajā varētu būt dažas tulkošanas kļūdas.
* GVW 7,200 kg.
* 8-speed automatic
* Factory-fitted air suspension
* Central locking with FFB
* Radio with Bluetooth
* Electric windows
* Electric adjustable exterior mirrors
* EC control device
* LED headlights/daytime running lights
* Comfortable seat for driver, hydraulically suspended
* Sat nav
* Cruise control
* Auxiliary heating
* Roof sleeping cabin
* Payload 3,500 kg.
* Box dimensions L x W x H = 610 x 248 x 250 cm.
* Frame made of aluminum profiles, screwed together
* Floor made of multiplex board
* 12 lashing eyes embedded in the frame
* Ratchets
* Sliding tarpaulin on both sides
* Movable center stanchions
* Side underrun protection, foldable
* Fender with mud flaps
* Side marker and side limit lights (LED)
* DHollandia tail lift with 1,000 kg load capacity
* Foldable aluminum protective roof
* Trailer hitch with electrical kit
Tarpaulin structure with sliding tarpaulin without side walls. The center stanchions are movable, which results in the optimal loading width.
Simple and quick assembly, as well as ideal load securing thanks to lashing eyes included as standard.
We also offer load securing:
* Tensioning and lashing straps
* Locking beams
* High visibility vests
* Transport boxes
* Edge protection
* Storage bags
* Wheel stops
* etc.
Financing and leasing possible
We manufacture bodies of any size and type on any chassis.
Tarpaulin, GRP sandwich, aluminum.
Visit us at:
Bodys - Complete vehicles - Trailers - Advice - Financing
Subject to errors and prior sale, no liability for printing and input errors.
Sludinājums tika tulkots automātiski, tāpēc tajā varētu būt dažas tulkošanas kļūdas.
Kontaktpersona: Kgs Andreas Blyss
Triftstraße 29
38723 Seesen, Vācija
+49 5381 ... parādīt
Reģistrēts kopš: 2016
Rādīt vairāk
Rādīt papildu juridisko informāciju
BLYSS Transporttechnik GmbH
Triftstraße 29
DE-38723 Seesen
eMail: ;
Handelsregister: Braunschweig
Handelsregisternr.: 12/202/08717
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnr. nach § 27a Umsatzsteuergesetz:
Vertretungsberechtigt: GF. Andreas Blyß
Triftstraße 29
DE-38723 Seesen
eMail: ;
Handelsregister: Braunschweig
Handelsregisternr.: 12/202/08717
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnr. nach § 27a Umsatzsteuergesetz:
Vertretungsberechtigt: GF. Andreas Blyß
Aizvērt papildu juridisko informāciju
Rādīt mazāk
Iesniegt pieprasījumu
+49 5381 ... parādīt
Šīs reklāmas varētu jūs arī interesēt.
Klasificētā reklāma

1 087 km
Aizkaru sideris furgons
IVECODaily 70C21A8/P Planenaufbau 550x248x280 cm LBW
IVECODaily 70C21A8/P Planenaufbau 550x248x280 cm LBW
Klasificētā reklāma

1 087 km
Aizkaru sideris furgons
IVECODaily 70C21A8/P Planenaufbau 550x248x280 cm LBW
IVECODaily 70C21A8/P Planenaufbau 550x248x280 cm LBW
Klasificētā reklāma

1 214 km
Kravas automašīna-kabriolets
IVECODaily 70C18A8/P Koffer / LBW / Klima
IVECODaily 70C18A8/P Koffer / LBW / Klima
Klasificētā reklāma

1 224 km
Kravas automašīna-kabriolets
IVECODaily 70C18A8/P Koffer/LBW Klima, NL 3160kg
IVECODaily 70C18A8/P Koffer/LBW Klima, NL 3160kg
Klasificētā reklāma

1 223 km
Aizkaru sideris furgons
IVECODaily 65C21 3,6m P+P+LBW Klima Automat. Webasto
IVECODaily 65C21 3,6m P+P+LBW Klima Automat. Webasto
Klasificētā reklāma

1 392 km
Aizkaru sideris furgons
IVECO72 C 21 A8/P Daily*1,5 to LBW*B/L*2x AHK*3 to NL
IVECO72 C 21 A8/P Daily*1,5 to LBW*B/L*2x AHK*3 to NL
Klasificētā reklāma

1 230 km
Kravas automašīna-kabriolets
IVECODaily 70C18HA8/P Koffer*LBW Hi-Matic- SOFORT!
IVECODaily 70C18HA8/P Koffer*LBW Hi-Matic- SOFORT!
Klasificētā reklāma

1 087 km
Kravas automašīna-kabriolets
Klasificētā reklāma

1 214 km
Kravas automašīna-kabriolets
IVECODaily 70C18A8/P Koffer / LBW / Klima
IVECODaily 70C18A8/P Koffer / LBW / Klima
Klasificētā reklāma

1 224 km
Kravas automašīna-kabriolets
IVECODaily 70C18A8/P Koffer/LBW Klima, NL 3160kg
IVECODaily 70C18A8/P Koffer/LBW Klima, NL 3160kg
Klasificētā reklāma

1 306 km
Kravas automašīna-kabriolets
IVECODaily 70C18/P Automatik - Koffer/LBW
IVECODaily 70C18/P Automatik - Koffer/LBW
Klasificētā reklāma

1 392 km
Refrižeratoru kravas automašīna
IVECO72C18 Daily A8/P HiMatic*luft*Eu6*LBW*ThermoKing
IVECO72C18 Daily A8/P HiMatic*luft*Eu6*LBW*ThermoKing
Klasificētā reklāma

1 224 km
Kravas automašīna-kabriolets
IVECODaily 70C18A8/P Koffer/LBW Klima, NL3160kg
IVECODaily 70C18A8/P Koffer/LBW Klima, NL3160kg
Klasificētā reklāma

1 392 km
Dzērienu furgons
IVECO72 C 21 A8/P Daily*1,5 to LBW*B/L*2x AHK*3 to NL
IVECO72 C 21 A8/P Daily*1,5 to LBW*B/L*2x AHK*3 to NL
Klasificētā reklāma

1 224 km
Kravas automašīna-kabriolets
IVECODaily 70C18A8/P Koffer/LBW, Klima, NL 3036kg
IVECODaily 70C18A8/P Koffer/LBW, Klima, NL 3036kg
Klasificētā reklāma

1 039 km
Kravas automašīna ar plato virsbūvi un brezentu
IVECOAD190S/P 4x2, 7.350mm lang, LBW, Klima, Navi
IVECOAD190S/P 4x2, 7.350mm lang, LBW, Klima, Navi
Klasificētā reklāma

1 087 km
Evakuatora kravas automašīna
IvecoDaily 72C18D/P mit Schiebeplateau
IvecoDaily 72C18D/P mit Schiebeplateau
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1 458 km
IvecoDaily Line NEW 2C18HA8 /AIRCO / 2 USB p...
IvecoDaily Line NEW 2C18HA8 /AIRCO / 2 USB p...
Klasificētā reklāma

1 214 km
Kaste furgons
IVECODaily 35C16H Koffer LBW / Klima / Radio
IVECODaily 35C16H Koffer LBW / Klima / Radio
Klasificētā reklāma

1 458 km
IvecoDaily Line NEW 2C18HA8 /AIRCO / 2 USB p...
IvecoDaily Line NEW 2C18HA8 /AIRCO / 2 USB p...
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1 214 km
Kaste furgons
IVECODaily 35C16H Koffer LBW / Klima / Radio
IVECODaily 35C16H Koffer LBW / Klima / Radio
Klasificētā reklāma

1 458 km
IvecoDaily Line NEW 2C18HA8 /AIRCO / 2 USB p...
IvecoDaily Line NEW 2C18HA8 /AIRCO / 2 USB p...
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1 214 km
Kaste furgons
IVECODaily 35C16H Koffer LBW / Klima / Radio
IVECODaily 35C16H Koffer LBW / Klima / Radio
Klasificētā reklāma

1 458 km
IvecoDaily Line NEW 2C18HA8 /AIRCO / 2 USB p...
IvecoDaily Line NEW 2C18HA8 /AIRCO / 2 USB p...
Klasificētā reklāma

1 458 km
IvecoDaily Line NEW 2C18HA8 /AIRCO / 2 USB p...
IvecoDaily Line NEW 2C18HA8 /AIRCO / 2 USB p...
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