Vakuuma autocisternaMERCEDES-BENZ
Actros 2653 6x4 V8 Müller 16m³ Saug u.Spül-Kombi
Vakuuma autocisterna
Actros 2653 6x4 V8 Müller 16m³ Saug u.Spül-Kombi
Atrašanās vieta

Rādīt attēlus
Rādīt karti
- Pārdevēja atrašanās vieta:
- Brönnighauser-Str. 35 b, 33727 Bielefeld, Vācija
- Nobraukums:
- 551 000 km
- Jauda:
- 390 kW (530,25 PS)
- Pirmā reģistrācija:
- 07/2002
- Kopējais svars:
- 26 000 kg
- Degvielas veids:
- dīzeļdegviela
- Krāsa:
- apelsīnu
- Cirvja konfigurācija:
- 3 asis
- Nākamā pārbaude (TÜV):
- 10/2021
- Pārnesumu veids:
- pusautomāts
- Emisijas klase:
- euro3
- Iekraušanas telpas tilpums:
- 16 m³
- Kopējais augstums:
- 3 550 mm
- Aprīkojums:
- ABS, elektroniskā stabilitātes programma (ESP), gaisa kondicionēšana, kompresors, stāvvietas sildītājs
- Ieraksta ID:
- A589-58-97
- Atsauces Nr.:
- 1132
- Pēdējoreiz atjaunots:
- 14.2.2460721
Mercedes-Benz Actros 2653 6x4 V8 Müller 16m³
Suction and pressure flushing combi+grease treatment / Fatmaster
Ez. 07.2002
Km: approx. 551.698 ( checkbook )
Engine: V8 / 390 kw / displacement 15928 ccm + engine brake
Transmission: EPS-Telligent semi-automatic + MB-NMV 200
Suspension: leaf / air
Length: 9750 mm / Height: 3550 mm
Wheelbase: 4500 mm
Axle load: 9000 kg + 10,000 kg + 10,000 kg
Technically permissible gross vehicle weight: 27,500 kg
Air conditioning, auxiliary heating, electric windows, refrigerator, reversing camera, etc.
Rockinger AHK: 8000 kg
TÜV until: 10 / 2021
Permitted as a self-propelled work machine
Type: Fatmaster S 160 EH
Müller 16m³ suction and pressure + HD flushing combination
Grease treatment / grease separation system
Total capacity: approx. 10,000 liters + 2x approx. 3,000 liter lateral water pockets
+Radio remote control
Tank can be adjusted in 3 positions by extension piston
Piston position 1 = 2.0 m³ + 8.0 m³ water/sludge
Piston position 2. = 5.0 m³ + 5.0 m³ water/sludge
Piston position 3. = 6.5 m³ + 3.5 m³ water/sludge
Vacuum pump:
Demag Wittig RFW 150 approx. 1180 m³ / h
Suction hose: DN 80 for approx. 50 meters
HP pump:
SPECK P45/85-120 approx. 85 liters/min at 110 bar
Small HP reel: DN13 for approx. 80 meters
Grease preparation pump:
Vogelsang V100-45 QM
Information without guarantee/errors excepted!
Information provided on the Internet are non-binding descriptions and do not represent guaranteed properties. The seller is not liable for errors, input errors and data transmission errors. Subject to change without notice.
Permanent purchase and sale as well as trade-in and rental of municipal technology / disposal and cleaning vehicles for sewer cleaning, wet and hazardous materials disposal
Sludinājums tika tulkots automātiski, tāpēc tajā varētu būt dažas tulkošanas kļūdas.
Suction and pressure flushing combi+grease treatment / Fatmaster
Ez. 07.2002
Km: approx. 551.698 ( checkbook )
Engine: V8 / 390 kw / displacement 15928 ccm + engine brake
Transmission: EPS-Telligent semi-automatic + MB-NMV 200
Suspension: leaf / air
Length: 9750 mm / Height: 3550 mm
Wheelbase: 4500 mm
Axle load: 9000 kg + 10,000 kg + 10,000 kg
Technically permissible gross vehicle weight: 27,500 kg
Air conditioning, auxiliary heating, electric windows, refrigerator, reversing camera, etc.
Rockinger AHK: 8000 kg
TÜV until: 10 / 2021
Permitted as a self-propelled work machine
Type: Fatmaster S 160 EH
Müller 16m³ suction and pressure + HD flushing combination
Grease treatment / grease separation system
Total capacity: approx. 10,000 liters + 2x approx. 3,000 liter lateral water pockets
+Radio remote control
Tank can be adjusted in 3 positions by extension piston
Piston position 1 = 2.0 m³ + 8.0 m³ water/sludge
Piston position 2. = 5.0 m³ + 5.0 m³ water/sludge
Piston position 3. = 6.5 m³ + 3.5 m³ water/sludge
Vacuum pump:
Demag Wittig RFW 150 approx. 1180 m³ / h
Suction hose: DN 80 for approx. 50 meters
HP pump:
SPECK P45/85-120 approx. 85 liters/min at 110 bar
Small HP reel: DN13 for approx. 80 meters
Grease preparation pump:
Vogelsang V100-45 QM
Information without guarantee/errors excepted!
Information provided on the Internet are non-binding descriptions and do not represent guaranteed properties. The seller is not liable for errors, input errors and data transmission errors. Subject to change without notice.
Permanent purchase and sale as well as trade-in and rental of municipal technology / disposal and cleaning vehicles for sewer cleaning, wet and hazardous materials disposal
Sludinājums tika tulkots automātiski, tāpēc tajā varētu būt dažas tulkošanas kļūdas.
Kontaktpersona: Kgs Lemoine
Brönnighauser-Str. 35 b
33727 Bielefeld, Vācija
+49 521 9... parādīt
Iesniegt pieprasījumu
+49 521 9... parādīt
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Jūsu sludinājums tika veiksmīgi dzēsts
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